The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Das Weltkulturerbe
Mother's Day Bill
Ursula Sabisch, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To the Federal President
Attn. Johannes Rau
Bellevue Palace Spreeweg 1
10557 Berlin
Germany, Luebeck, Saturday, 10 May 2003
Free English translation on 7 August 2021.
Mother's Day Bill CC
The German-language document you may find here!
Dear Clergy, Dear Seculars, Dear Financial Politicians!
Today you receive a smart bill which you should keep in mind and also should pay. It cannot be that a Mr Eichel, who in my opinion can twist the truth professionally, since he certainly had the right insight into the financial situation before the election, wants to take on debt again today, and to a degree that requires explanation.
How can it be that for the year 2003 there is talk of 18.9 billion euros for a new loan? What kind of balances are actually being drawn up? From this you can see that the population must be totally dumbed down and only focused on consumption.
No one asks where the money for the loan is to come from and who has to raise this sum; the main thing is that consumption is booming, the main thing is that one can fly on holiday, the main thing is that one can fill one's barbecue with plenty of sausage and meat in the summer, the main thing is that the health insurance is still paying and the car can be maintained, the main thing is that one can still get away; where the money is coming from and how much it will be, no one asks about that here any more!
Now you will have to think carefully about what is mainly invested in our age and you will have to consider why these investments are also promising profits. Just today, a five-star hotel is to be opened in Travemünde; 20 million euros were invested in it by private entrepreneurs.
Likewise, another new leisure and adventure park is to be built somewhere in the FRG in the foreseeable future; it was also estimated at 20 million euros, as it was announced by the news a few days ago. In our age, the largest investments are estimated for leisure amusements such as tourism and entertainment media.
You too have films produced that have cost a few million dollars or euros and watch the money being recouped by the cinema-goers too: Only what is left for the other generations to come of what these generations have created?
What remains are amusement and adventure parks, what remains are film strips and their effects, what remains are hotels and hotel complexes, what remains are fitness centres and what remains are computer games, DVDs and CDs. What remains are dangerous living conditions for future generations due to the greenhouse effect and the clearing of forests, the exploitation of the earth, the construction of skyscrapers and underground buildings, among other things.
The coming generations will first have to get through the above-mentioned investments without any damage: This means that young children have to get through the ever increasing number of horror films without damage, they have to be able to cope properly with the roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, shock figures and ghost trains in the amusement parks.
They have to be able to handle the PC games properly and be able to classify and overlook the TV children's programme as well as the advertising accordingly without being harmed. They also have to be able to correctly handle the facilities of the luxury hotels on holiday as well as the special children's hotels, which are equipped with Disney and animal figures, and take them seriously.
You and your kind have been crazing around of you for a long time and have been watching for a long time to see what kind of an aloof attitude to life it should lead to! On the other side of the 'civilised world' ,unemployment is rising and at the same time values are plummeting, the denied right to work calls into question the meaning of life for many people and another meaning is sought.
An occupation that represents something lasting and sensible for a man and family father, there is no money left for it and it is apparently no longer necessary to provide such a job. Due mainly to industrialisation and computer applications (EDP), which are maintained on a large scale only by artificially generated chemical reactions of atomic energy or are promoted by other energy suppliers* and thus the labour force * has become dependent on it to a large extent, as well as the nuclear waste will also remain for the coming generations, the space for a healthy activity is thereby greatly restricted and taken up to a large extent.
On top of that, these energy sources represent an unnecessary potential danger for all of us together on a daily basis. Why do we need adventure parks then, or do we need them precisely for this reason?
Just as Mr Eichel and his consorts can present themselves as extremely honourable and Mr Eichel even threatens to resign in this respect because he is extremely convinced of the honesty of his person, too, experts will deny with just as much conviction that there must already have been very frequent nuclear leaks, which some people will certainly have experienced first-hand.
Today, Mr Eichel can assess the financial situation and make forecasts for 2006, but before the election he supposedly could not know what the budget gap would be. To Mr. Eichel and consorts, your Empress advises well to publicly admit afterwards the truth about the electoral fraud committed, by admitting that he already knew the figures before the election, without trying to twist the truth into an imposed statement, because you should make it clear to him and others that there is still 'One' who knows the truth.
Since the Minister of Finance is extremely good at correct wording, and also associates and underpins his seriousness with it, which, however, is certainly not sufficient for such an office, it may happen that Mr Eichel and consorts will be thrown out of the house if they refuse to publicly clarify the truth as desired, also so that everyone understands that there is still the truth.
Subsequently, my person wishes for Mr Eichel and consorts that these people will return their earned private fortune and will be interested in other professions that will be more suitable for these people.
Any vocational teacher at a business school could make the same suggestions and statements as well as forecasts that come from Mr Eichel and consorts. The chancellor is not innocent of these abuses either and should think about whether he has not taken the place intended for someone else through the electoral fraud described above.
However, Mr Schroeder is a very hard-working man and almost a full-blooded politician who was not the worst chancellor* in a difficult and mendacious time as chancellor.
Please invest the above-mentioned* estimated billions, which are offset for the missing tax revenues due to the high unemployment,* immediately in the independent crafts and immediately employ the unemployed men, led by older experienced master craftsmen, accordingly in the enterprises, since for many men a decent and meaningful job will be as important as the daily bread.
However, you please will not incur any more debts until you will know exactly where the money for the loan will come from and who will finance you as well as all men eventually*! There are experts in the world for these complicated connections; some of whom have already been called upon by the Empress.
From the ranks of German politicians only Dr. Edmund Stoiber and for foreign policy Dr. Helmut Kohl a. D.+ as leaders with their teams under the leadership of King Juergen come into question for this and no others. ** In addition, there are clergymen from the Roman Catholic Church and gentlemen from business and banking, who were also called by name.
All other lawmakers, ministers, chancellors and presidents will please immediately turn their attention to the unemployed men and regulate the damage caused by this high unemployment, such as marital problems, alcohol problems, payment difficulties and the increasing juvenile crime, first through their 'own' so-called earned capital.
First the debts will have to be reduced and this will only work if the debtors will pay off their debts to the owner and to the creditors. It is not only Mr Eichel who has made up his own truth and is convinced of his own person and knowledge, which is devoid of any concept, others also earn their money in this way.
Some people who had to give expert opinions on the leakage of atom and the presence of atom in the atmosphere will also be convinced of their own statements and can probably suppress the whole truth for themselves. Others, who were not sure, could not muster the necessary courage to give a truthful expert opinion, at least to raise doubts.
These and other people would feel denied and misjudged if the truth were held up to them. These people will use all means at their disposal to deny the whole truth, which has become a dangerous lie and will continue to make headway, because hardly anyone still believes that there is an exact bill at the end of life and that every lie is part of it.
The real danger here is that these lies are not lies for you and your kind, but represent the absolute truth.
Worldwide, nuclear power plants will have to be shut down bit by bit, and not only nuclear power plants; the end is now with the cheap way of life, which has brought us as humanity more harm than good, and for this very reason, please change industry and mass production to medium-sized businesses and small businesses through handicrafts and agriculture, controlled by a considerable amount of physical power.
Further debts will now have to be repaid through cultural journeys, please, by communicating the Lord's commission to the people who are eager to travel and providing them with instructions and information accordingly.
It is time for many to pack their backpacks or suitcases and hit the road to achieve something worthwhile through travel and also leave or pass on something lasting for others, otherwise it will soon pop! Invest in youth hostels and in tent camps for the 'older toddlers' too, so that they finally grow up.
The Empress will look at the hotel palaces made of glitter, mica and marble, some of which should first be converted as already ordered several times. Having fun at work, the Empress's Cudgel is to take over the clean-up and education work in the four-, five- and seven-star hotels and use the hotels as sanatoriums and hospitals for the unconvincing tourist classes.
Travellers will not be allowed to travel as final consumers, but as Christians, and will have to leave something sensible behind or bring something with them; only in extreme cases may an exception be made, for people where sanity has totally fallen by the wayside.**
As debtors, you will now have to use the available resources from now on exclusively for sensible purposes such as for the building of churches and for the development of handicrafts in the right way, as well as restructuring tourism into cultural tours, which must be coupled with the Christian commission of the Lord and the Roman Catholic Church, which does not mean that Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Copts, Hindus* and Orthodox believers, for example, are not excluded from the commission, too.
If publicly already the obvious lie can no longer be defeated and stopped, then it is also partly due to the fact that liars can no longer stand up to other liars; in the end, there probably only remains an outsider who has been able to assert herself in order to sort out the mess.
In this context and at this point, I must and would like to draw your attention as a clergyman to the fact, that it was and still is precisely your task to direct attention to people who can no longer properly deal with the difference that lies between a lie and the truth. One could think that in many people something specific has been attacked and also destroyed, something that must be connected between the mind and the conscience.
Especially with older people one very often notices an advanced stage in this respect, which certainly many people who have to deal with older people could confirm, but whether they will confirm it is the real question, which unfortunately is more than justified.
With older people one can very often recognise this symptom of twisting the truth, but rather classify it as a disease, however I am sure that there will be connections with the lying or hypocrisy. This disease is unfortunately not the great exception in our age; it has rather become the rule that an old person also loses his mind through it and thus goes out of life.
And now we come to the catastrophic-lie and the suppression process of the turn of the millennium, which you will cover and which you now would prefer not to read any further, but you should. How can you actually assume that these confused people, who form a majority, will pass into paradise?
How then should paradise have stood up to a hell? Or has good and evil united? If so, is it still worthwhile to stand up for good? If so, who is still holding on to the world at present and through whom is this happening?
According to the Empress, there will already be a 'paradise' but there will not yet be a good-and-evil separation there. Many a separation will still be missing, such as probably an animal-and-human separation, which is more than just terrible. There will probably also be a separation between the clergy and an ordinary mortal, which can be a disaster for people who are subject to a destiny and calling.
This bitter truth, or rather presumption, can be proven by all kinds of behaviour and perhaps even confirmed by events, so that the owner and the creditors will have spread themselves out and got involved with humanity in order to make them responsible as debtors for building up a healthy circle of life, insofar as human beings can bear such responsibility at all.
For this reason alone it is extremely important to make it clear to people what is a lie and what is the truth. This difference, which exists, must be trained and educated already in childhood, especially also by the parents, and must be supervised again and again by you as clergy; these debts are also still outstanding.
Also, you cannot hand over the 'Body of Christ' to a person if the person can no longer correctly distinguish between good and evil or wrong and right. For this distinction, people absolutely need role models, but not such role models as the politicians of today represent, whereby exceptions prove the rule!
As bishops, please see to it that experienced personalities, primarily from the world of business, are put forward by your pastors and priests. A letter to this effect is ready for you. Please contact ........... in this regard my "Chancellor" Mr. G.-M. F..**.
** September 2016 (Unfortunately, we are all still in kindergarten and thus it is necessary to wait until the school days of adult education begin).
With kind regards
P. P. Empress
*12.12.2020 German-language document checked.
07 August 2021 HP: There is indeed a designated chancellor for the end time of the FRG, unfortunately he has already been voted out by exclusion. It is and remains Mr Norbert R. by a wide margin, which could not be clearer today!