The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Das Weltkulturerbe
Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck
To the World Organisation for Meteorology
Avenue de la Paix
CH- 1211 Geneva 2
To the Royal Danish Embassy
Rauchstr. 1
10787 Berlin
Monday, October 25, 2004
Free English translation on 3 August 2021.
Earthquake Series/
Please that German-language letter be translated in many different languages and be handed over to the correspondingly places.
Dear Geologists, Dear Climatologists, Dear Meteorologists, Dear Sirs!
As already suspected, my person must once again link up with those letters that touch on the stability and elasticity of the earth's crust. As a layman, but as an Empress, one can follow that the earthquakes have continued in series and have been joined by various volcanic eruptions, which show different reactions.
These volcanoes in particular, which release large amounts of water vapour into the atmosphere, also particularly affect the storm disasters, since the enormous amounts of water vapour in combination with the artificially enriched carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will cause it to come back somewhere as precipitation.
The enormous amount of magma melting from the earth, which will probably not only come from the earth's crust, but will probably already affect the Moho-discontinuity and the earth's mantle, are also very worrying, especially because this will create corresponding cavities somewhere, since the earth's interior cannot regenerate itself by filling up again.
For this and other reasons, my person would like to point out once again that underground nuclear tests in particular can be triggers for the beginning of the final bang.
Furthermore, at this advanced stage, it is important that the exploitation of the earth is slowly but continuously reduced by all continents at the same time, especially the liquid and gaseous substances should be reduced in this way and only extracted as necessary.
For this reason, a worldwide agreement and understanding must be reached immediately. There is a person, King Jurgen, who is meant for this task, to take over the central leadership before it will be too late!
My person has been endeavouring for year and day to "run" via the TV stations of the earth via an Monumental-Area, so that the danger in which humanity finds itself is recognised. It would be important that now also mankind helps a little bit, because the time pressure has become quite considerable, because already another earthquake reached the island state of Japan with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale, which my person had feared for a long time.
These series will obviously intensify and they will occur at shorter intervals, whereby, as has already happened, the respective epicentre will also be located in regions that are generally not earthquake-prone. These are all clear signs that the end is approaching with giant strides.
Only an united front and leadership can steer this imminent end into a possible new beginning, although each state will have to deal with this individually. The core of the matter, however, must be brought down to a common denominator and this denominator is also the * environmentally friendly recycling of materials and no further mining of all raw materials.
Consider also that the nuclear waste deposits in the special barrels* must be checked for their pressure, especially those which will probably still be on the seabed! Here, too, a global basis must be found that relates to the truth.
The states that are guilty in this regard should now at the latest be able to correctly assess the seriousness of the situation and strive to name all of these waste dumps, including those stored on the seabed, so that no final strike can be made from ambush.
The same applies to some extent to terrorism, as terrorists today can equip themselves with nuclear weapons or weapons that could cause a huge shock wave.
The earth can no longer afford this at this advanced stage and so, among other things, it should be possible to trace such preparations for attacks via TV, but for this it would certainly be advisable for my person to change location so as not to get into any further complexities and so as to be able to continue along this aforementioned path.
The place for this project has already been targeted and the progress in the matter has already been determined, which is based on a factual foundation. As can be seen and followed, it regularly happens at certain border points of the continental plates that where there was a storm disaster, there is also an earthquake.
These boundary points are to be designated where the Earth's plates abut or are pulled apart. That is, for the Caribbean plate boundary, for example, one can name the island nation of Haiti; for the Philippine plate boundary, one can name Japan; and one should conclude that for the Arabian and Iranian plate boundary, the city of Istanbul will follow, and a tremendous catastrophe will occur there in the foreseeable future through an earthquake, which fits into the scheme according to the observations of the whole progress of the series.
Thus, at this stage, a certain system can be discerned, which will no longer be possible to determine as the series progresses through the strengthening of the hypocentres. In Istanbul, the general fabric of most of the houses is very precarious, so it will be too early for a miracle and probably too late for a restructuring of the housing estates.
A timely evacuation could be considered, in that you and others could be informed of the imminent dangers in time by means of the Monumental-Area to save many thousands of lives.
As a professional, I would try to scout the earthquake series system. Furthermore, I would ensure that the earth's crust does not* stay that way, but is loosened up by preventing further deterioration.
I would immediately have the known weak points and intensified causes of the earthquakes remedied or terminated as far as possible, by what these mentioned reactions have been intensifing, which my person has disclosed through several letters!
I. A.
German-language document has been slightly amended for clarity. 15 September 2016/
Time is pressing; it points to the end for a possible new beginning.
20.03.21/ 03.08.2021 German language document reviewed.